import export
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Manufacturing & Supplier Identification

Manufacturing & Supplier pre-qualification

Manufacturing & Supplier visit

Manufacturing & Supplier audit

Manufacturing & Supplier qualification

Manufacturing & Supplier Approval

audit and quality assurance program

Arrangement of shipment

Forwarder selection

Custom broker selection

Product delivery to customer

Questions and Answers about import export:

Why should I use an international importer or exporter for my international importing and exporting?
Most people trying to do international import or export lack the know-how for it. There are many areas of international importing or exporting which may not come to attention until too late. Ramifications of these un-planned areas can greatly impact cost, delivery or quality of products shipped. Global Export corporation will ensure you plan for every stage of your international importing or exporting.

When I plan to do international importing or exporting, how do I gain the knowledge to plan properly for all steps involved?
Steps involved with international importing and exporting are only learned by years of practice and involvement with manufacturers, shippers, forwarders, custom brokers. Each of these areas breakdown into many smaller sub-areas with each involving many details. Risks involved in each sub-area could be the difference between having a successful product delivery or over budgeted, late and poor quality at the end. Global Export corporation has many years of experience in international importing and exporting, thus planning for the smallest step ahead. These planning will translate into a successful product delivery on-time, within budget, with great quality.

How do I select an international importer or exporter?
Your biggest decision on the outset is selection of an international importer or exporter. The international importer and exporter you select should have years of experience in the area you work. The team appointed to your product should become an extension of your organization, available with answers any time you need it. Global Export corporation has expertise in taking a design to manufacturing, overseeing quality aspect of manufacturing using TQM principles, arranging for proudct shipment, selecting the right custom broker to your product. In short, Global export corporation will be your partner in your international importing or exporting.

What is my first step in international importing or exporting?
Your first step should be to team up with an experience international importer or exporter. Contact Global Export corporation to find out how you should approach your international import or export. Years of from Global Export corporation will be available to you as soon as you contact us.

What are some of down falls in international importing or exporting I need to watch out for?
There are many areas in international importing or exporting which could affect your product price, delivery time, or quality. Lack of pre-planning in these areas could turn your international importing or exporting experiece into a nightmare. Team up with Global Export corporation for your international importing or exporting to avoid any of these down falls and take advantage of our know-how.

How do I know Global Export corporation is the right party to team up with for my international importing and exporting?
Global Export corporation has many years of experience in international importing and exporting. Global Export corporation has worked very closely with manufacturers in fields such as consumer goods, electrical and electronics products, Remote Control (RC) hobby industry parts, electric motors, renewable energy products, clothing and garments, LED lights, automotive products, Solar panels, sheet metal, inverters, printed circuit board (PWB), tooling and molding, camping equipment, construction material, food supplement products, restaurant equipment, and furniture. Global Export corporation lives and breaths international trade.

What services Global export corporation can provide in relation with my international importing or exporting?
For your international importing or exporting, Global Export corporation can help you from planning, recommending manufacturer, on-site quality assurance, forwarding, custom clearance. In short Global Export corporation can help you in any capacity you need help with. With total flexibility Global Export corporation will accommodate any need you have in international import and export.

How do I select a supplier or manufacturer for international importing or exporting?
Global Export corporation has many pre-qualified manufacturers who have been audited and passed rigorous supplier qualification process. You can pick one of Global Export corporation pre-qualified suppliers or alternatively you can ask Global Export corporation to qualify a manufacturer you intend to work with. Global Export corporation export teams can systematically audit and qualify your manufacturer for you before you start doing any international importing or exporting. This qualification step by Global Export corporation is viewed by our customers as an insurance policy. Prior to doing international importing or exporting with any supplier you need to feels comfortables about their capabilities. Global Export corporation with unlock any unknown from any manufacturer so you can proceed with full confidence down the path of international importing or exporting.

What is my next move in regard to my needs for expert support in international importing or exporting?
Contact Global Export corporation for all your needs in international importing or exporting. Put years of experience in international importing and exporting at your service instantly.


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